We now operate as a co-op to serve you better. For more personal service, you can now contact your favorite groomer directly, pay them directly, and establish a professional relationship with them. Consistency is good for your dogs, too. Knowing their groomer well and knowing what to expect when they visit reduces their anxiety and gives them a more enjoyable grooming experience.
We are an all breed dog grooming salon, rooted and established in Farmer’s Branch, Texas, for 11 amazing years!
Our clean salon, attention to detail and customer service is what stands us apart, and are the reason we are in high demand.
Our groomers‘ professional experience ranges between 5-19 years, so you can trust our expertise in the field as well our recommendations; we have seen it all! We have tried it all!
Another reason for our high demand is we accept (and love) DOODLES, we accept (and love) large breeds, we groom senior pups and we try our best with shy or anxious dogs that have been turned away from other salons.
We really do love dogs and more complex pups need to be groomed too!
Please read polices and procedures for very important information you must know before contacting us.
Our job simply cannot be done without the use of sharp tools. As careful as we are, accidents can and do happen sometimes. In the event of a medical emergency, we will take them to the veterinary office next door and contact you immediately. By leaving your pet with us you agree and consent to them being treated by Valley View Pet Health Center. These are minor and very rare occurrences and we will never, ever, ever hide anything from you in order to not upset you. We will never risk a wound getting infected by trying to hide it. Ever. If you find something at home that we did not notify you of, it is because it escaped our notice. Minor scratches and irritations that may occur due to the grooming process should be kept clean and the dog should be prevented from worsening them using an e-collar if needed.
The more dangerous problems are undisclosed health issues and anxious dogs, If your pup has seizures or any medical condition that we should be aware of, drop off is the time to inform us. We are not responsible if your pup has a medical emergency or reaction to something you did not warn us about. We do not leave pets unattended on the table, but they will spend time in a kennel. While we do our best to keep an eye on the dogs in our care, our salon is designed for dogs who can tolerate the grooming process. If your dog caused the injury to themselves by either trying to escape the kennel, jumping from the table, or jerking suddenly, there is absolutely nothing we could have done to prevent this, these are all reactions of very, very anxious pets. These are the types of situations that we will either have to decline or make other arrangements for a future appointment such as an express service or mild sedation. For our safety and yours, we do not allow customers to "stay and watch" as we groom, under any circumstance. If you are this uncomfortable leaving your pup with us, we suggest contacting a mobile grooming service who will come to your door.
We do try to work with difficult pets as long as we have all the information up front. Sometimes an owner will try to omit some information about their dog’s behavior, for fear of being turned away. If your dog has been dismissed from a previous groomer or if you were told of aggressive behavior by a previous groomer, we need to know! This does not preclude us attempting to groom your dog, but rather, it equips us with information we need to keep us and your pet safe. If a groomer gets seriously injured because the owner withheld information, depending on the case, they can sue for damages if they choose. An occasional small bite, scratch, or minor injury is expected working in this field. Serious injuries or being attacked because a pet owner deliberately withheld information from us is NOT part of the job. It is best to be upfront about any issues. We have no problem with aggressive pets; we groom them often and we can protect ourselves and the pups better by knowing up front. If we attempt to groom your dog and are unable to safely complete the groom, they will be sent home and you will only be charged for the service completed up to that point.
Our groomers are also our receptionists. When they are all busy tending to their clients, the phone will go to voicemail. Although we are not able to answer the phone every time it rings; if you leave a clear voicemail, including your best contact number and a detailed message, we will call you back as soon as we can. Trust us, we would not be fully booked if we didn't return voicemails!
If you have left a message and have not received a response, please check your voicemail to make sure you didn’t miss our call. Please also make sure that your voicemail inbox is set up and able to receive new messages.
Please keep in mind that we rarely have short-notice appointments available. Depending on the time of year, our groomers are usually booked one or two weeks out. Cancellations will usually be first offered to existing customers in good standing. It is ideal to get a recurring monthly appointment set up with your groomer so you’re never in a pinch. If you need something in a pinch, we may not be able to accommodate you.
We understand going to voicemail can be frustrating when you want an answer immediately, which is why we have a convenient texting service for EXISTING CUSTOMERS who need to contact their groomer. We will call or text you back promptly, within normal business hours. You are able to request or change an appointment by text, and we will respond to appointment requests in the order in which they are received. If you are contacting your groomer directly, please be considerate of their home time. As much as we love our customers, calling or texting ANYONE in the middle of the night is generally bad form.
There may be times when some or all of our groomers have temporarily closed their schedules to new customers in order to accommodate existing customers. We love meeting new people and new pups, so we do take new customers as often as possible. If you would like to schedule a new customer appointment, please let us know a little bit about your dog in your message. We will try to match your dog with the groomer best suited to their needs, as availability allows.
We file chargebacks as theft of services. The police department is not fond of dealing with baseless chargebacks that could have been avoided had the customer just spoken to us about it. As long as we file the report against the person, they will follow through on their end.
If there is ever any problem with anything, please let us know and we will work hard to resolve it. However, if you choose to simply do a chargeback without giving us a chance to find a resolution, we will report the incident. Customers who choose this route will not be welcomed back, even as cash customers. We are committed to conducting ourselves with honesty and integrity, and we expect the same from our customers.
To be able to serve everyone the same, we do not offer any discounts, including multiple pet discounts.
Please plan to drop off your dog at their scheduled appointment time. We understand traffic and weather can cause delays, so we recommend leaving a little early and checking your navigation apps. If you arrive later than 15 minutes past your appointment time, we may have to reschedule your appointment and no-show fees may apply. Please text your groomer to notify them if you are running behind so that they can work with you to make suitable arrangements. If you need to drop off earlier than your appointment time, please let us know in advance. We operate by appointment only, so your appointment time is your drop off time. If you arrive earlier than expected without a prior agreement with your groomer, we cannot ensure that the salon will be open at that time. Your groomer will text you when grooming services are completed. Dogs are expected to be picked up within one hour of being completed, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon with your groomer. If a groomer is forced to wait more than one hour after the end of their day, you will be charged a late pick-up fee equivalent to $1 per minute. If we are done with our day and you have not picked up your pup after repeated attempts to reach you, your dog will be boarded overnight and you will incur an emergency boarding fee of $150 per night. After 72 hours, if we have not heard from you or someone in your behalf, we will have no choice but to re-home your pup or turn them over to a rescue.
If your pet is severely matted, they will be shaved. We do not offer de-matting services. Once a coat has become pelted, shaving is the only humane course of action. Be aware that we are not responsible for any minor scratches or nicks that may occur during the shaving of a matted coat. Hematomas of the ears and bruising of the skin can also occur after the removal of a tightly matted coat, and are not the fault or responsibility of the groomer. Those are all the result of neglect of care by allowing the coat to get in that condition. There is simply no telling what will be under all those matts and knots. If a dog comes to us more than once showing signs of severe neglect such as matted/pelted coat, ingrown toenails, flea or tick infestation, or untreated ear/skin/eye infections, we are obligated to report the case to animal control for investigation and potential removal of the dog from the owner’s home.
We have a NO-SHOW fee that we strictly enforce. We require 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment. Same-day cancellations are considered no-shows. Existing customers will be billed 50% of the cost of their scheduled service, payable at their next appointment. Existing customers will be dismissed after two consecutive no-shows or three no-shows within a 12 month period.
New customers will be billed $1 per scheduled minute. New customers who no-show will not be allowed to reschedule until they have paid the no show fee, and they will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit when scheduling their next appointment. New customers will not be allowed to reschedule after two consecutive no-shows. We understand things happen, and we try to be as flexible as we can. Please contact your groomer as soon as possible if you cannot keep your appointment.
As long as we have your pet in our care, we require all of your contact information to be on file such as current address, phone number where you can be reached immediately, email, an emergency contact, and vet info. This is for liability and safety ONLY. We do not sell or share information. We don't use your information for advertising purposes.
We are both pro-breeder and pro-rescue. We believe that responsible breeding is important for maintaining the health and integrity of pedigrees. We also believe that the best and most beloved canine family members are waiting for their forever families at a shelter or rescue near you. If you’ve acquired a puppy from a breeder who gave grooming instructions, we recommend that you take them with a grain of salt. A breeder’s job ends when you take your puppy home. Please trust the advise of your groomer on coat care and training your puppy to be groomed. If you have a puppy that will require regular grooming throughout its life, it is essential to bring your puppy for their first appointment as soon as they have received all of their puppy vaccinations. Failure to bring your puppy regularly from a very young age could result in anxiety, aggression, and otherwise dangerous behavior. For the happiest and handsomest dog, start acquainting your dog with the grooming process as early as possible.
We will go over detailed instructions at check in, from head to toe. Please tell us exactly what you expect. If something doesn't look right when you pick up, please let us know! You won't hurt our feelings, we want you to be 100% happy! If we missed something or you would like corrections made, please contact your groomer to make arrangements within 48 hours of completion of your appointment. If you don't like the haircut that you chose, we can not do a redo of a different haircut. We take notes so we’ll be happy to make adjustments next time.
We are not perfect! No matter what our long time customers tell us, we're not perfect. Grooming can be a chaotic job. We know we make mistakes, we forget things, we can seem all over the place at times. Please bring anything you'd like to discuss to our attention. We are human and we try our best. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. It may seem easy to go online and leave negative reviews about a business and not think about the people behind it and who you may be hurting. We want to have a good working relationship with our clients, and communication is of the utmost importance.
Proof of current rabies vaccine status is required BY LAW for any and all pet services. No exceptions can be made. Please ensure that your dog is current on their vaccinations prior to scheduling an appointment. When you come to your dog’s appointment, please bring a document that shows the vaccination date, your dog’s name, your name, and your veterinarian’s information. To avoid the possibility of adverse reactions while in our care, please allow 48 hours after administering any vaccine before bringing your dog for grooming.
Thank you for taking the time to read through our policies and procedures. We are always updating and improving to better serve you!
Bath & blow dry, Nail trim, Full haircut, Ear cleaning, Cologne, Bandana or bows
up to 20 pounds
20-40 pounds
over 40 pounds
Bath & blow dry, Nail trim, Face-feet-sanitary trim, Ear cleaning, Cologne, Bandana or bows
up to 20 pounds
20-40 pounds
Over 40 pounds
Bath & blow dry, Nail trim, Ear cleaning, Cologne, Bandana or bows
up to 20 pounds
20-40 pounds
Over 40 pounds
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
We don't have set hours. We work by appointment only, based on groomer availability. Ask in advance if you need to pick up later or drop off earlier than appointment time.
Our one and only address is:
2555 Valley View Lane
Farmers Branch Tx 75234
(we have two suites next to each other)
Please remember to leave a voicemail and we will call you back for an appointment.
We do not have short notice appointments available.
Jossi Lu
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